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Looking for a mentor

Hi, I am new to Waldorf Music Education, but have been teaching music from G1-6 in a Waldorf School at Siem Reap, Cambodia, since Oct last year. I am hoping to look for a mentor because I don’t get much help at my current work place. I have been and am using a Waldorf homeschooling resource to plan my class. However, I am still very unclear about the order of a lesson. I wonder if there’s a verse required to start and end each music lesson. I am also looking for yearly outlines of music lessons for G1-6 to serve as a guideline for my teaching. Since I don’t see much updates on the posts and comments, I wonder if this site is still actively in use. Looking forward to hear from anyone.

Angie Chan

One Response to Looking for a mentor

  1. Dear Angie,
    I too have wondered if this site is still actively in use. I was hired as a music teacher at Rose Rock School in Oklahoma, and I have no idea what I’m doing. This AWME site looked so promising, I paid for a lifetime membership, but I’ve received no real benefit, even though I’ve been a member for a whole year now. How are you doing? I’ve only got 1st through 4th grade this year, and I could so use someone with whom to exchange ideas!
    Sincerely, Charmane

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