Supporting healthy Waldorf music education everywhere!

News & Events

Opportunities of many kinds are taking place here in the U.S. and throughout the world. Conferences, courses and employment opportunities are coming and going and change frequently, so be sure to check back from time to time. Don’t miss the latest news and notifications of upcoming programs. And, of course, if you have any conferences, courses or employment opportunities that you would like to see on our site, please send them in for consideration! Visuals, such as flyers or brochures are helpful to accompany the news item.

15th Annual Summer Music Conference (Portland Session) @ Cedarwood Waldorf School
Jul 6 @ 5:30 pm – Jul 11 @ 1:00 pm

Annual Waldorf Music Conference (Portland)

Intuitive Pedagogy with Pär Ahlbom

Co-sponsored by the Association for Waldorf Music Education,
Mercurius International, & Choroi Instruments

Offering two sessions! (This is the Portland session. View the Chapel Hill session details here.)

For music teachers, early childhood and class teachers, parents, administrators—all are welcome!

In their 15th year, the annual Waldorf Music Conferences (sponsored by the Association for Waldorf Music Education – AWME) are once again blessed to welcome Pär Ahlbom from Järna, Sweden, who will share with us his innovative approach to music-making with children. A master Waldorf pedagogue and one of the original developers of the Choroi flutes, he will offer insights into the pedagogical beginnings of these unique instruments and share with us ways to work with the interval flute, the pentatonic flute, and the diatonic C-flute. If you have any of these flutes, please, please bring them along!  Pär will also work with the lyre, rhythm games and exercises, movement, Werbeck singing, and vocal improvisation.

In addition, our time together will include choral work and sessions on the Waldorf music curriculum itself. There will be opportunities to attend special topics sessions as well as roundtable discussions, question and answer sessions, and a forum for sharing music teaching ideas.

Representatives from Mercurius International and Choroi Instruments will have a display area with instruments available to view, try out, and purchase. They will also be on hand to answer questions and take part in our discussions about the flutes, lyres, and other instruments we use in our work with the children.

On Thursday, there will be an evening of music sharing that will include pieces we have worked on together as well as offerings from individuals to share with one another and the larger community. Please bring any and all instruments as well as music copies as needed.

Conference Fee (does not include housing, meals or transportation):

Housing options for both conferences vary greatly (ranging from camping to family homes to hotels). Morning and afternoon light snacks will be provided each day during the conferences. Catered lunches and some suppers will be available for purchase.

The conferences will begin at 5:30 pm on Sunday evening with registration, a simple shared meal (provided) and our official opening. The conference ends midday the following Friday.

For questions or more information, please contact Andrea Lyman.


Register for the Portland Session:

  • NOTE: You must be logged in to have your $40 member-discount automatically applied. Log in here.
  • Price: $495.00
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
15th Annual Summer Music Conference (Chapel Hill Session) @ Emerson Waldorf School
Jul 13 @ 5:30 pm – Jul 18 @ 1:00 pm

Annual Waldorf Music Conference (Chapel Hill)

Intuitive Pedagogy with Pär Ahlbom

Co-sponsored by the Association for Waldorf Music Education,
Mercurius International, & Choroi Instruments

Offering two sessions! (This is the Chapel Hill session. View the Portland session details here.)

For music teachers, early childhood and class teachers, parents, administrators—all are welcome!

In their 15th year, the annual Waldorf Music Conferences (sponsored by the Association for Waldorf Music Education – AWME) are once again blessed to welcome Pär Ahlbom from Järna, Sweden, who will share with us his innovative approach to music-making with children. A master Waldorf pedagogue and one of the original developers of the Choroi flutes, he will offer insights into the pedagogical beginnings of these unique instruments and share with us ways to work with the interval flute, the pentatonic flute, and the diatonic C-flute. If you have any of these flutes, please, please bring them along!  Pär will also work with the lyre, rhythm games and exercises, movement, Werbeck singing, and vocal improvisation.

In addition, our time together will include choral work and sessions on the Waldorf music curriculum itself. There will be opportunities to attend special topics sessions as well as roundtable discussions, question and answer sessions, and a forum for sharing music teaching ideas.

Representatives from Mercurius International and Choroi Instruments will have a display area with instruments available to view, try out, and purchase. They will also be on hand to answer questions and take part in our discussions about the flutes, lyres, and other instruments we use in our work with the children.

On Thursday, there will be an evening of music sharing that will include pieces we have worked on together as well as offerings from individuals to share with one another and the larger community. Please bring any and all instruments as well as music copies as needed.

Conference Fee (does not include housing, meals or transportation):

Housing options for both conferences vary greatly (ranging from camping to family homes to hotels). Morning and afternoon light snacks will be provided each day during the conferences. Catered lunches and some suppers will be available for purchase.

The conferences will begin at 5:30 pm on Sunday evening with registration, a simple shared meal (provided) and our official opening. The conference ends midday the following Friday.

For questions or more information, please contact Andrea Lyman.


Register for the Chapel Hill Session:

  • NOTE: You must be logged in to have your $40 member-discount automatically applied. Log in here.
  • Price: $495.00
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Tonalis: Sing with Your Whole Voice @ Emerson College
Aug 29 @ 9:00 pm – Aug 31 @ 4:00 am

tonalis sing with your whole voiceThis training is essential for:

  • Vocal and Musical Explorers who want to expand the borders of their voices
  • Everyone who is passionate about singing, but wants the opportunity to go deeper into it
  • Participants wanting to develop confidence int their singing
  • Re-starters seeking a new vision of singing
  • Confident Singers / Voice Professionals
  • Music teachers wanting to improve children’s singing
  • Choice leaders

Bring voice technique for 21st Century Singers: Improvisation, movement, Alexander Technique, Therapeutic, and Metaphysical & Global Perspectives into your voicework. The training will start at the end of August, 2014. Duration: 21 days in weekend modules August to April 2015.

Tuition Fees:

  • £930 (if paid in 1 installment), £965 (if paid in 2 installments), £995 (if paid in 3 installments)
  • Discounted Fees: £25 deducted from the Fees for Early Booking by May 1st. £50 deducted from the Fees for full time students by May 1st.
  • Work Scholarship: £75 off the above fees


Tonalis: Music from the Inside Out – Bring Music to Life @ The Field Centre
Sep 6 – Sep 7 all-day

Tonalis Music from the Inside Out - Bring Music to Life

This workshop will help you discover how improvisation offers you a unique way to develop your musicianship. Improvisation is the best way to learn how music is constructed and to experience how the inner workings of the elements of music function. It is the missing link between music making, music theory and aural development. This workshop will provide practical and creative resources for musicians of all levels.

For more details & to see the leaflet, use this link.


  • Discounted Fees: £75 (for booking by Aug. 1st), £80 (by Aug. 20th), £85 (thereafter)
  • Concessions: £68 for OAPs, Couples, Full time students, & Groups of 3+ (by Aug. 1st)
Tonalis: Voice Spaces @ The Field Centre
Oct 4 – Oct 5 all-day

tonalis voice spaces

  • Experience the Drama of Choral Architecture
  • Stretch the Boundaries of Choir Singing
  • Enjoy the Resonance of New Soundscapes

…When you sing in a resonant space (e.g. a cathedral), you can hear the resonance of the building sounding with you. Yet most choral singing today is carried out with all the singers standing still in one place. For more details & to see the leaflet, use this link.


  • Discounted Fees: £75 (for booking by Aug. 1st), £80 (by Sept. 1st), £85 (thereafter)
  • Concessions: £68 for OAPs, Couples, Full time students, & Groups of 3+ (by Aug. 15th)
  • Work Scholarship Fee: £58 For details, please contact the Tonalis office.
  • Meals: Lunches are available in local cafés.
Tonalis: Music for Life’s Sake @ Tarrington Village Hall
Oct 11 @ 10:00 am – Oct 12 @ 5:00 pm

tonalis music for life's sake

Themes we will bring on this workshop include:

  • Multicultural Musicing – Together in Harmony
  • Vibrant New Instruments for Community Music
  • Create Music in the Space between I and You
  • Give Voice to Community
  • …And much more!

For more details & to see the leaflet, use this link.

  • Discounted Fees: £75 (for booking by Aug. 1st), £80 (by Aug. 20th), £85 (thereafter)
  • Concessions: £68 for OAPs, Couples, Full time students, & Groups of 3+ (by Aug. 1st)
  • Work Scholarship Fee: £55 For details, please contact the Tonalis office.
Tonalis: How to Make Your Choir Sound Great @ Tonalis Music Centre
Oct 24 @ 11:30 am – Oct 25 @ 5:00 pm

tonalis how to make your choir sound great

These 2 workshops are for everyone who is Passionate about Singing Choral Music & Choir Leading. They will meet the needs of people searching for new choral tools and deeper perspectives on choir leading and choral singing – whether at an amateur or a professional level. For more details & to see the leaflet, use this link:


  • Discounted Fees: £110 (for booking by Aug. 1), £115 (by Oct. 1st), £85 (thereafter)
  • ‘MovingBeyondtheNotes’ (1 Day) £44 / £50 / £55 (see date deadlines above)
  • ‘MakeYourChoirSoundGreat’ (2 Days) £75 / £80 / £85 (see date deadlines above)
  • Group Bookings (3+), Couples & Concessions (students & OAPs): Please contact us for details.
  • Concessions: £68 for OAPs, Couples, Full time students, & Groups of 3+ (by Aug. 15th)
  • Work Scholarship Fee: £80 (for 3 days), £58 (for 2 days) Please contact us for details.
Tonalis: World Voice @ The Glasshouse College
Mar 21 @ 10:00 am – Mar 22 @ 6:00 pm

tonalis world voice 2015

This workshop will offer you the chance to discover how vocal styles of world musics can open up different aspects of your voice so that your ‘whole voice’ can be revealed. Explore how to create different voice qualities through learning to vary the way you use your resonance, breathing, and registers, etc.

Key Themes:

  • Why do Different Cultures Sing in such Different Ways?
  • Expand the Borders of Your Singing
  • The World in Harmony – World Choral Music in Choirs
  • World Music Meets Contemporary Choral Creativity
  • The Healing Power of Singing in Different Vocal Styles.

For more details & the booking form on the leaflet use this link.


  • £74 (for booking by Feb. 15th), £78 (by March 10th), £84 (thereafter)
  • Couples, OAPs, & Group Bookings (3+): £65 / £70 / £75 each (dates as above)
  • Saturday Attendance Only: £48; Work Scholarship: £58 (Please check availability)
Tonalis: The Mysteries of Pentatonic Music @ The Field Centre
Mar 31 @ 10:00 am – Apr 1 @ 6:00 pm

the mysteries of pentatonic music

These 2 Workshops are for Waldorf Teachers and Music Teachers wanting to work explore the gifts of pentatonic music making – and can be taken together or as individual days.

The Mysteries of Pentatonic Music – 31st March – Discover an Inspiring New Guide to Pentatonic Music Making

The Way of the Pentatonic Flute – 1st April – Discover new Pathways of Playing

For more details & to see the leaflet, use this link.


  • Fee for 1 Day: £44 (for booking by February 20th), £48 (thereafter)
    • Group Bookings (2+), Couples & Students: £38 / £42 (dates as above)
  • Fee for 2 Days: £72 (for booking by February 20th), £78 (by March 15th), £84(thereafter)
    • Group Bookings (2+), Couples & Students: £64 / £68 / £72 each (dates as above)
Tonalis: Lamentate & Alleluia: A Journey in Song from Darkness to Light @ The Field Center
Apr 3 @ 10:00 am – Apr 4 @ 5:30 pm

lamentate and alleluia

Two choral workshops – to be taken together or individually.

Lamentate and Alleluia is for all those people who want to celebrate seasons & festivals in song and discover a deep ecology that interweaves the Divine, the Natural and the Human in music.

The 2 workshops will move from the Darkness & Lamentation of PASSIONTIDE to the Balance of Light & Dark that sounds at the SPRING EQUINOX to the Light-filled Joyous Halleluias of EASTER.

For more details & to see the leaflet, use this link.


  • For 1 Day: £44 (for booking by March 1st), £48 (thereafter)
    • Couples, OAPs & Group Bookings (3+): £38/ £42 dates as above)
  • For 2 Days: £72 (for booking by March 1st) £78 (by March 25th) £85 (thereafter)
    • Couples, OAPs & Group Bookings (3+): £62/ £68/ £72 each (dates as above)