Supporting healthy Waldorf music education everywhere!

News & Events

Opportunities of many kinds are taking place here in the U.S. and throughout the world. Conferences, courses and employment opportunities are coming and going and change frequently, so be sure to check back from time to time. Don’t miss the latest news and notifications of upcoming programs. And, of course, if you have any conferences, courses or employment opportunities that you would like to see on our site, please send them in for consideration! Visuals, such as flyers or brochures are helpful to accompany the news item.

Tonalis: World Voice @ The Glasshouse College
Mar 21 @ 10:00 am – Mar 22 @ 6:00 pm

tonalis world voice 2015

This workshop will offer you the chance to discover how vocal styles of world musics can open up different aspects of your voice so that your ‘whole voice’ can be revealed. Explore how to create different voice qualities through learning to vary the way you use your resonance, breathing, and registers, etc.

Key Themes:

  • Why do Different Cultures Sing in such Different Ways?
  • Expand the Borders of Your Singing
  • The World in Harmony – World Choral Music in Choirs
  • World Music Meets Contemporary Choral Creativity
  • The Healing Power of Singing in Different Vocal Styles.

For more details & the booking form on the leaflet use this link.


  • £74 (for booking by Feb. 15th), £78 (by March 10th), £84 (thereafter)
  • Couples, OAPs, & Group Bookings (3+): £65 / £70 / £75 each (dates as above)
  • Saturday Attendance Only: £48; Work Scholarship: £58 (Please check availability)
Tonalis: The Mysteries of Pentatonic Music @ The Field Centre
Mar 31 @ 10:00 am – Apr 1 @ 6:00 pm

the mysteries of pentatonic music

These 2 Workshops are for Waldorf Teachers and Music Teachers wanting to work explore the gifts of pentatonic music making – and can be taken together or as individual days.

The Mysteries of Pentatonic Music – 31st March – Discover an Inspiring New Guide to Pentatonic Music Making

The Way of the Pentatonic Flute – 1st April – Discover new Pathways of Playing

For more details & to see the leaflet, use this link.


  • Fee for 1 Day: £44 (for booking by February 20th), £48 (thereafter)
    • Group Bookings (2+), Couples & Students: £38 / £42 (dates as above)
  • Fee for 2 Days: £72 (for booking by February 20th), £78 (by March 15th), £84(thereafter)
    • Group Bookings (2+), Couples & Students: £64 / £68 / £72 each (dates as above)
Tonalis: Lamentate & Alleluia: A Journey in Song from Darkness to Light @ The Field Center
Apr 3 @ 10:00 am – Apr 4 @ 5:30 pm

lamentate and alleluia

Two choral workshops – to be taken together or individually.

Lamentate and Alleluia is for all those people who want to celebrate seasons & festivals in song and discover a deep ecology that interweaves the Divine, the Natural and the Human in music.

The 2 workshops will move from the Darkness & Lamentation of PASSIONTIDE to the Balance of Light & Dark that sounds at the SPRING EQUINOX to the Light-filled Joyous Halleluias of EASTER.

For more details & to see the leaflet, use this link.


  • For 1 Day: £44 (for booking by March 1st), £48 (thereafter)
    • Couples, OAPs & Group Bookings (3+): £38/ £42 dates as above)
  • For 2 Days: £72 (for booking by March 1st) £78 (by March 25th) £85 (thereafter)
    • Couples, OAPs & Group Bookings (3+): £62/ £68/ £72 each (dates as above)
Tonalis: Explore Music’s Deep Archetypes @ Tonalis Music Centre
Apr 10 @ 10:00 am – Apr 12 @ 6:00 pm

Singing Therapy New Course 2015-2019 explore music's deep architecture

There is much talk today of organic, of universals and deep ecology. There are also growing debates about what theologians call ‘universal vs the particular’ and educationalists refer to as ‘nature vs nurture’. But what does this mean in the realm of music? This workshop is for everyone who wants to investigate what is natural and instrinsic in the realm of music and wants to understand music’s deep archetypes.

For more details & to see the leaflet, use this link.


  • For 1 Day: £100 (for booking by February 20th), 110 (by March 25th), £115 (thereafter)
  • Couples, OAPs, Group Booking Fee for 3+: £88 / £95 / £100 each (see date deadlines above)
  • Work Scholarship Fee: £68 One Work Scholarship is available to students & the unwaged.
The School of Uncovering the Voice: 6th Foundational Singing Training @ Ananda Meditation Retreat
Jun 11 @ 12:00 pm – Jun 15 @ 12:00 pm


the school of uncovering the voice (boele)

Singing Training Topics

  • Session 1: Exercises to Forget the Breathing – June 11-15, 2015
  • Session 2: Directing the Sounds – February 2016
  • Session 3: Vowels and Consonants  June 2016
  • Session 4: Expansion – February 2017
  • Session 5: Reflection of the Sound – June  2017
  • Session 6: Reflection of the Word – February 2017
  • Session 7: Summary and Closing – June 2018

Total Cost:

  • Sessions 1 & 2: $1200 (includes 2 private lessons in June and 2 in February)
  • Sessions 3 & 4: $1200 (includes 2 private lessons in June and 2 in February)
  • Sessions 5 & 6: $1200 (includes 2 private lessons in June and 2 in February)
  • Session 7: $800 (includes 2 private lessons in June)

Application Process:

Prerequisite: Prior experience with Uncovering the Voice: private lessons or courses.

To apply: Please write a paragraph about why you would like participate in the Training. Email it to Sheryl Adler-Eldridge. Upon acceptance into the 6th Training, Sheryl will contact you about registration information. For further inquiries, contact Sheryl by email or by phone at 530-210-3208.

Visit our website:


christiaan boeleChristiaan Boele

Born in 1956 at The Hague in the Netherlands, Christiaan Boele exhibited strong musicianship early in life; this was a solid foundation for future study and his life’s work in music. He currently lives in Mendig, Germany and conducts various master classes, courses and schooling of the voice sessions around the world. Students from over ten countries travel to Christiaan to study. In addition, he leads a touring ensemble of twelve singers and continues to perform as a soloist.

The 3rd American Training-Course @ Bon Secours Conference Center
Jun 28 @ 5:00 pm – Jul 5 @ 12:00 pm

The 3rd American Training-Course 2015

Please click here for a PDF for all the details!

Valborg Werbeck Svärdström established The School of Uncovering the Voice in collaboration with Rudolf Steiner. In January, 1924, he authorized it as an “Anthroposophic Singing School” because the approach they developed fosters the growth of the human voice in its wholeness of physical, soul, and spiritual aspects, so it supports the holistic integration of the human being.
Through this art of singing and the knowledge of the human being according to Anthroposophy, at the Raphael School for Singing and Singing-Therapy methods will be taught and abilities gained that will enable the student to realize how the singing voice can become a therapeutic tool, and how singing can serve as an anthroposophic therapeutic modality.

“Intuitive Pedagogy” – Pär Ahlbom in Mexico 2015
Jul 15 @ 9:00 am – Jul 19 @ 1:00 pm

You are invited to Pär Ahlbom’s second “Intuitive Pedagogy” course in Guadalajara, Mexico!

Planting the seeds of trust, self-confidence, creativity and joy

intuitive pedagogy par in mexico 2015

In 2014 Pär Ahlbom came to teach in Guadalajara for 5 days. His visit to Mexico had a healing and mind-opening effect on the students. Pär made us move differently and expand our concept of movement, made us rediscover joyful play and hone our senses. Clear thinking and an open heart were integrated towards action. An inner revolution spawned.

In our culture, habit and inertia have crept their way into our education model, making a stale atmosphere. Pär Ahlbom encourages exploration, making mistakes, and curiosity, which allows innovation and intuition to flourish. Intuition is connected with the endless possibilities of the present moment. Through practical exercises using music, play, movement, coordination and improvisation anyone can develop their intuitive capabilities. Pär’s effect on both Waldorf education and non-Waldorf education can be profound and revolutionary.

We invite you to participate in this exciting and creative course July 15-19 in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Directed toward:

  • Teachers from preschool to university level
  • Parents or anyone who works closely with children or adolescents
  • Anyone who wishes to develop their creativity, intuition, and flexibility.

Space is limited, reserve as soon as possible!

  • Cost: $3,000 pesos / $2,500 pesos if you reserve your space before May 10, 2015
  • Dates: July 15-18 from 9:00AM to 6:00PM and July 19 from 9:00AM to 1:00PM
  • For more information about the event in Mexico please contact Alex Jenne and visit the Facebook event here.

intuitive pedagogy guadalajara 2014

Photo by Adolfo Gonzalez, ‘Intuitive pedagogy’ course Guadalajara 2014

“Learning starts when people are inspired, their imagination is flourishing and they have the possibility to follow their intuition. Learning begins when people feel the possibility of creative experimentation. Usually it happens when there are other creative people around and it is possible to get fully engaged with the surroundings and oneself, totally forgetting about other things, the world outside the space.” Evelin Tamm

The 16th Annual Summer Music Conference (2 Sessions!) @ Waldorf School of Louisville
Jul 21 @ 5:30 pm – Jul 28 @ 8:30 pm

Waldorf Music Summer Conference 2015

~ Waldorf Music Pedagogy Intensives ~

Sponsored by the Association for Waldorf Music Education

Offering two intensives!

For music teachers, early childhood and class teachers, parents, administrators—all are welcome!

In their 16th year, the 2015 annual Waldorf Music Conference will will offer something different! This summer, based on several years of feedback and surveys by our members and conference attendees, we plan to offer two shorter intensives, each with a more specific focus relevant to certain stages of development and the accompanying curriculum.

Each morning, we will focus on instrumental work, both on proficiency and implementation in the classroom as well as on ensemble work. In the afternoons, we will turn to broader topics, including pedagogy and curriculum, alternatives to traditional ensemble work, group discussion on what it means to be a Waldorf music teacher, and the inner life of the teacher. There will also be daily opportunities for questions and answers in a forum setting. Our days will be rounded out with both movement and Werbeck singing – for our own development as well as for enhancing and supporting our work in the classroom.

Since we will be including hands-on instrumental work, we ask that you bring Choroi interval flutes, pentatonic flutes, diatonic or C-flutes, recorders of any voicing, kinder-harps or bordun lyres, and your orchestral instrument (if you play or teach it). We will also have instruments available to borrow at the school, so bring whatever you can (and extras to share, if possible).

This year’s facilitators:

  • Sheila Johns – Sheila Johns taught music for 14 years at the Washington Waldorf School in Bethesda, Maryland where she served in a variety of capacities, including mentoring other music teachers. She has taught courses in the Mood of the Fifth and developed a curriculum for working with the pentatonic kinderharp for grades 1-3 as well as for an applied music course for grades 7-8. She has trainings in both instrumental and vocal anthroposophic music therapy and has been a carrying member of AWME for the last 7 years.
  • Andrea Lyman – Andrea Lyman has been a Waldorf music teacher since 1992, has taught music courses at Sunbridge College, and has been an adjunct faculty member of the West Coast Institute in Vancouver, BC since 2011. In addition to evaluating and mentoring Waldorf music teachers and faculties throughout North America, she has authored several articles on the Waldorf music curriculum and has served as President of AWME since its inception in 2001.
  • Monika Sutherland – Monika Sutherland has been a Waldorf music teacher for the past 15 years. Currently she is Director of Music at Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School in Viroqua, WI where she leads a full choral, instrumental, and general music program. In addition to being a professional cellist, she is an adjunct faculty member in the Great Lakes Waldorf Institute Teacher Training Program and has also taught courses at Sunbridge College.
  • Cate Decker – Cate Decker, M.Ed, is a movement therapist, a developmental specialist, and a Level III Spacial Dynamics Practitioner. Cate has worked extensively with musicians in recent years, exploring the element of space and working with specific ways to apply principals of Spacial Dynamics to music making situations through these accessible, archetypal exercises.

NOTE: The conference intensives will begin at 5:30pm on the first evening with registration, a simple shared meal (provided), and our official opening. The conference will end in the evening of the third full day.

Conference Intensive Fees

  • Session 1 (July 21-24): Early Childhood–Grade 5 → $285 for AWME members, $325 for non-members
  • Session 2 (July 25-28): Grade 4–High School → $285 for AWME members, $325 for non-members


  • Both (July 21-28): Session 1 + Session 2 → $495 for AWME members, $535 for non-members

(registration fees exclude housing, meals, or transportation)

Morning and afternoon light snacks will be provided each day during the conferences. Catered lunches and some suppers will be available for purchase.

For information on housing, meals, or transportation, please contact Tamara Meinecke.

For more questions or information, please contact Andrea Lyman.

NOTE: We have reached our required minimum of participants to support the both sessions! Consequently, the deadline has been extended from May 15th to June 30th. We are happy to accept registrations for both sessions until then, so please enroll!


Register now! – Deadline for registration and payment: July 13, 2015

  • NOTE: You must be logged in to have your $40 member-discount automatically applied. Log in here.
  • Price: $325.00
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
The 16th Annual Summer Music Conference (2 Sessions!) @ Waldorf School of Louisville
Jul 21 @ 5:30 pm – Jul 28 @ 8:30 pm

Waldorf Music Summer Conference 2015

~ Waldorf Music Pedagogy Intensives ~

Sponsored by the Association for Waldorf Music Education

Offering two intensives!

For music teachers, early childhood and class teachers, parents, administrators—all are welcome!

In their 16th year, the 2015 annual Waldorf Music Conference will will offer something different! This summer, based on several years of feedback and surveys by our members and conference attendees, we plan to offer two shorter intensives, each with a more specific focus relevant to certain stages of development and the accompanying curriculum.

Each morning, we will focus on instrumental work, both on proficiency and implementation in the classroom as well as on ensemble work. In the afternoons, we will turn to broader topics, including pedagogy and curriculum, alternatives to traditional ensemble work, group discussion on what it means to be a Waldorf music teacher, and the inner life of the teacher. There will also be daily opportunities for questions and answers in a forum setting. Our days will be rounded out with both movement and Werbeck singing – for our own development as well as for enhancing and supporting our work in the classroom.

Since we will be including hands-on instrumental work, we ask that you bring Choroi interval flutes, pentatonic flutes, diatonic or C-flutes, recorders of any voicing, kinder-harps or bordun lyres, and your orchestral instrument (if you play or teach it). We will also have instruments available to borrow at the school, so bring whatever you can (and extras to share, if possible).

This year’s facilitators:

  • Sheila Johns – Sheila Johns taught music for 14 years at the Washington Waldorf School in Bethesda, Maryland where she served in a variety of capacities, including mentoring other music teachers. She has taught courses in the Mood of the Fifth and developed a curriculum for working with the pentatonic kinderharp for grades 1-3 as well as for an applied music course for grades 7-8. She has trainings in both instrumental and vocal anthroposophic music therapy and has been a carrying member of AWME for the last 7 years.
  • Andrea Lyman – Andrea Lyman has been a Waldorf music teacher since 1992, has taught music courses at Sunbridge College, and has been an adjunct faculty member of the West Coast Institute in Vancouver, BC since 2011. In addition to evaluating and mentoring Waldorf music teachers and faculties throughout North America, she has authored several articles on the Waldorf music curriculum and has served as President of AWME since its inception in 2001.
  • Monika Sutherland – Monika Sutherland has been a Waldorf music teacher for the past 15 years. Currently she is Director of Music at Pleasant Ridge Waldorf School in Viroqua, WI where she leads a full choral, instrumental, and general music program. In addition to being a professional cellist, she is an adjunct faculty member in the Great Lakes Waldorf Institute Teacher Training Program and has also taught courses at Sunbridge College.
  • Cate Decker – Cate Decker, M.Ed, is a movement therapist, a developmental specialist, and a Level III Spacial Dynamics Practitioner. Cate has worked extensively with musicians in recent years, exploring the element of space and working with specific ways to apply principals of Spacial Dynamics to music making situations through these accessible, archetypal exercises.

NOTE: The conference intensives will begin at 5:30pm on the first evening with registration, a simple shared meal (provided), and our official opening. The conference will end in the evening of the third full day.

Conference Intensive Fees

  • Session 1 (July 21-24): Early Childhood–Grade 5 → $285 for AWME members, $325 for non-members
  • Session 2 (July 25-28): Grade 4–High School → $285 for AWME members, $325 for non-members


  • Both (July 21-28): Session 1 + Session 2 → $495 for AWME members, $535 for non-members

(registration fees exclude housing, meals, or transportation)

Morning and afternoon light snacks will be provided each day during the conferences. Catered lunches and some suppers will be available for purchase.

For information on housing, meals, or transportation, please contact Tamara Meinecke.

For more questions or information, please contact Andrea Lyman.

NOTE: We have reached our required minimum of participants to support the both sessions! Consequently, the deadline has been extended from May 15th to June 30th. We are happy to accept registrations for both sessions until then, so please enroll!


Register now! – Deadline for registration and payment: July 13, 2015

2015 International Lyre Conference @ Wayne State University
Aug 3 @ 4:00 pm – Aug 8 @ 1:00 pm

2013 summer lyre conference

The Lyre As Instrument For Peace

Giving Ear Toward Understanding and Reconciliation

Preceded by a Lyre Pedagogy Conference August 1-3 — Detroit, Michigan, USA

In the words of master lye teacher Anna Prokhovnik Cooper of Northern Ireland, “The modern lyre is a most unique and unusual instrument because of its purity of tone and harmonic potential. It is suitable for all ages to play, from young children to older people. Although it has specific techniques of playing, it is not a difficult instrument to master. It can be enjoyed at all levels of playing ability. Its tone gives a wonderful quality of healing and relaxation, whether it is played in a therapeutic, social, or teaching setting.”

The Lyre Association of North America is a non-profit organization that promotes the modern lyre and supports local and global lyre communities. Beginning in the year 2000, lyrists around the world have joined together every three years for an international conference. Other venues have been Germany, Sweden, and Northern Ireland. LANA previously hosted the 2003 conference in Keene, New Hampshire, and now we will be back in the USA once again.

Detroit has a rich, diverse history. In the past century, Detroit has gone from the great heights of the automobile industry to the depths of bankruptcy. The city is now growing into a vibrant new era of rebuilding its community through embracing the cultural diversity of its citizens. Among many other things, the area boasts historical museums and churches, art and cultural centers, a river walk, riverboat cruises to the great lakes, and nature walks on Belle Isle.

Our host for this summer’s conference will be Wayne State University, which is in a safe and beautiful setting in the center of the city. The campus is located just two blocks from the magnificent Detroit Institute of Arts and a short bus ride from the Detroit River.

The Lyre 2015 Planning Group has designed a varied program around our theme of The Lyre As Instrument for Peace. In addition to a morning musical plenum, afternoon lyre groups, and evening concerts, we will have two different types of workshops: morning workshops related to our conference theme and afternoon workshops on more wide-ranging topics of general interest to our lyre community. We are happy to include with this letter a link to the official Conference Registration forms, which you can find here:

Conference Brochure and Registration (PDF)

Online Registration

Schedule (in German)

Registration includes a Youth Lyre Workshop (Aug 3-8), for ages 9 through adolescence, and a Lyre Pedagogy Conference (Aug 1-3, 2015).

Those attending our conference this summer will represent a complete continuum of musical skill and experience. From very experienced lyrists to rank beginners who have little musical experience or have never played the lyre before, this summer’s conference in Detroit will have something to offer for everyone, and we encourage all who have an interest in this important theme to join us in playing, listening, and exploring together through our work with the lyre, toward the possibility of furthering understanding and reconciliation in the world.